15 February 2007

*Sigh*... At the top, it's still a snail's world...

A lesson in marketing.

I've got an article in a local publication (Washington SmartCEO) which immediately garnered two highly qualified prospects, maybe more -- but until they contact me they're not in my queue. Each of whom can become significant sources of business.

You'd think I'd be thrilled.

Well, I am. Don't get me wrong.

Deep down, I'm still an engineer. I'm still a geek. And, I really see a brighter future for the world at large, and business in particular thanks to technology.

What never ceases to impress me is the enduring power of physical, printed matterial.
It also points to a reality about marketing that can never be ignored.

Even when your target audience/prospects/clients are themselves technology companies, it doesn't automatically imply that their leaders are as plugged-in as their employees. It also does imply that you must still seek to communicate to people in the manner in which they are most likely going to respond.

The down-side for technically-oriented business like mine and, I suspect, many of yours, is that we must therefore put our messages into many channels.

It seems that the CEOs of the market still rely on good-ol' burnable dead trees to do business, while so many of us are out here trying to make that mode obsolete.

I wonder what the connection to agile process discipline is... hrmmm... Don't answer that.

(P.S. The article may look familiar to those who've visited the CMMIFAQ.  It's just two of the FAQs combined into one.)


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