13 November 2006

Quick 10-20

Just a note to let everyone know that I'm in Denver, CO, attending NDIA's 6th Annual CMMI Technology Conference and User Group event this week.

Monday I gave a CMMI Crash Course tutorial, and Wednesday I'm lecturing on My Agile Life with CMMI. I'll be linking to both sets of content shortly.

I'll be here through lunchtime on Thursday.
If you're in the Denver area, gimme a holler.


At 16 July, 2008 02:47 , Blogger zxed said...

any chance of you posting your power point., or material for the presentation online?

At 16 July, 2008 07:22 , Blogger Hillel said...

Oops! I noted that I'll link to the presentations, but I didn't put the links on the blog.
The presentations are here.


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