24 October 2006

A nice bit of recognition.

Believe it or not, a process geek who actually has the social skills to market a business and play in the social networking space...

Taken directly from the GBTC Press Release and Web Site:


BALTIMORE, MD (10/19/06) --- Hillel Glazer, Founder and CEO of Baltimore technology strategy company Entinex, is the winner of the Greater Baltimore Technology Council's (GBTC) annual Connector Award.

Presented during last night's annual TechNite celebration, the Connector Award is presented to the GBTC member who, for lack of a better term, "gets it."

"Connectors are more than volunteers. They connect people to people, people to programs, and get others involved. They bring clients, and even prospects, to GBTC programs, connecting them to others in the community. And in doing so, they make our community a better place in which to live and work because they understand the power of connecting," explains GBTC Executive Director Steve Kozak.

Kozak notes that Glazer was an obvious choice because "Hillel not only knows everyone, everyone knows him and he understands what each company does and how they are different."

"Hillel is vested in the concept of connecting people for the benefit of their businesses and knows that putting the right people together for the right reasons makes better business for everyone, even if you aren't directly compensated," Kozak continues.

As the leader of one of the GBTC four business networking groups, Glazer is characterized by group members as "unselfish, insightful, and always willing to help by providing a great idea or the name of someone you should call."

A huge proponent of process-centered management methodologies, Glazer founded Entinex to help small-to-medium sized businesses make the right choices about technology while avoiding costly mistakes and failures. A SCAMPI Lead Appraiser and Introduction to CMMI instructor, Glazer possesses a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering and a Master of Science in Technology Management.

Recipients of the Connector Award are nominated and selected by members of the GBTC. Previous winners include business growth consultant Art Jacoby, G.1440 Founder and President Larry Fiorino, and Michael Teitelbaum, President of TruePresence.

The Connector Award is sponsored by the Community Colleges of Maryland. Together, Anne Arundel Community College, The Community College of Baltimore County, and Howard Community College enroll more than 138,000 students in credit or continuing education programs every year, effectively serving the adults who are now, or will become, the technology workforce of the Greater Baltimore region.

Nearly 1,000 executive and business leaders attended this year's TechNite, Greater Baltimore's premier night out for the business and technology communities.


At 26 October, 2006 08:41 , Blogger Jared Goralnick said...

Congratulations, Hillel! I've witnessed firsthand just how many people you've successfully brought together--solely for their benefits to each other. The GBTC is very lucky to have you as an active participant, and you're more than deserving of this award (which, I might add, is something not chosen in some arbitrary committee-room...but a decision made by polling members).

Congrats again, Hillel!


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