25 July 2007

Nice getting to know companies who know what they're doing.

Earlier this month I spoke at the DC chapter of APLN, which they posted here.

This entry is not to plug that event, but to plug another blogger who did a really great job of summarizing many of the salient points.

What struck me in reading the entry was the fact that the person writing is the company's CEO, Brian Lyons. Specifically, the accuracy and relevance of his notes, technically, and his knowledge of CMMI.

It's not often I'm talking to a CEO of a significant software business concern who's so well-informed about and interested in understanding CMMI.

I've known about Number Six Software for several years and had not had a chance to cross paths with Brian until the APLN meeting. Doing so caused me to go back and browse their company site. I was glad to get to know him and the company a bit more.

I suggest plugging a feed from their blog to your favorite reader and keep up with what they're up to. They're up to good things and know how to do it.

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