10 May 2007

Agile Project Leadership Network (APLN) Maryland Group May 15th

Will the shame ever catch up with him?...

Agile Project Leadership Network (APLN) Maryland Group May 15th

Keys to Making Agile & CMMI Compatible – speaker Hillel Glazer

You are cordially invited to attend the Agile Project Leadership
Network (APLN) Maryland Group Meeting. The meeting will be held in
Hunt Valley, MD on May 15, 2007 at PHH Arval. The reception starts
at 6 PM, the meeting will start at 7 PM. There is a $15 cost to
cover the food. Plan to bring a friend. We ask that you let us know
if you plan to attend by sending an email to: aplnmd@agilemaryland.org.

Speaker: Hillel Glazer, Principal & CEO, Entinex, Inc.
Topic: Keys to making Agile & CMMI Compatible
Description: A discussion of how to make CMMI agile, and how to
appraise agile methods to CMMI. Discussion will include a hands-on
exercise to demonstrate the compatibility of Agile & CMMI on the same

For details on the meeting including directions, go to our website


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