25 January 2008

Teaching CMMI Crash Course in Tampa

I'll be delivering the CMMI Crash Course&trade: What the SEI Won't Teach You at the SEPG-NA in Tampa this March.

It's currently scheduled for Thursday the 20th at 1:30pm. Listed as a tutorial.

Hope to see you at SEPG regardless!

(Anyone looking to license the Crash Course so they can deliver it should consider attending so you see it being done. I'm also hoping to have it recorded.)

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At 05 April, 2008 07:48 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you offer courses in India.


At 05 April, 2008 21:01 , Blogger Hillel said...

We/I don't have any public courses in India. We generally teach for clients, at conferences, and/or by invitation.

Most of the time that means we are teaching in conjunction to being somewhere where we already have plans to be.

We do what we can to minimize costs for ourselves and our clients and hosts (those "by invitation" folks). Since our clients and hosts pay for our time and expenses, we tend to coordinate courses with existing plans.

I know this doesn't always meet the needs of people/organizations with limited budgets and we're sorry for that.

We have no current plans to be in India at this time, so we don't have anything in the budget to help with expenses.

Thanks for asking, though.


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