30 November 2009

Getting Started with CMMI and/or Agile.

Why you're probably not equipped to be asking the the questions!

Starting a CMMI or Agile initiative is a culture-changing endeavor.  Don't underestimate the changes you'll undergo.

Both CMMI and Agile often require fundamental shifts in culture that usually results in making <gasp!> changes to how things are in your business!

This in-your-face provocative < 3min video is intended to alert executives interested in either CMMI or Agile (or both) that there are no easy answers as to the question often on their lips: “what does it take to do ____ ?”  And, that to do justice to their business, they’ll need to devote some time to understanding even the basic context in which to understand any answers they receive (let alone use) about deciding to move forward with an improvement effort.

After all, if everything were going perfectly now, executives wouldn’t be seeking changes to improve, so when it comes to making improvements, there’s going to have to be change -- so get ready!

(I’m assuming [big time] that moving forward with either CMMI or Agile is to achieve some improvement in something!)

In my next installation, I’ll talk about what to do when you really only need a CMMI ‘level’ and aren’t so much interested in any improvement.

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At 21 December, 2009 03:11 , Anonymous Gizem Şenkal said...

Thanks for useful information :)

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